Advanced methods for non-parametric modelling

Carl Edward Rasmussen
Cyril Goutte
Roderick Murray-Smith


IMM, Section for digital signal processing

Preliminary program

In this course we will discuss various topics for non-linear, non-parametric modelling. We will discuss the fundamental issues involved in modelling and describe some prominent methods including both non-Bayesian and Bayesian approaches to neural networks. The choice of topics is not exhaustive, but rather governed by our experience and personal inclinations.

Place: The lectures will take place in building 305, room 205 (2nd floor). The assignments will be performed in the terminal-room in the basement of building 305 using the sections' linux machnine.

Time: The course will take place in week 3 (january 18-22). It will contain 11 lectures given in English, 1,5 hours each, and computer exercises for 3 to 4 hours in the afternoons. The course is based on test-book material as well as discussion of recent research papers.
Check also the administration page for the course.

Basic readings: These references are given as indication of the material covered last year. They will change in the coming weeks. This is meant as a list of work you can refer to after the course if you want to get more information about a given topic.

The datasets, Matlab functions and assignments are available on a separate webpage.

The topics covered will be: We will focus our attention on the following non-parametric models:
Monday 18 9:00-10:20
Course introduction
Numerical methods for model fitting
Introduction to Neural Networks
Generalisation and regularisation
Tuesday 19 9:00-13.00
Assignment 1: optimisation and NN
Kernel methods
Introduction to Radial Basis Function networks & Mixture models
Wednesday 20 9:00-13:00
Assignment 2: Kernel and RBF
Bayesian inference and Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Bayesian training of Neural networks
Thursday 21 9:00-13:00
Assignment 3: MCMC and NN
Gaussian Processes
Bayesian training of Gaussian Processes
Friday 22 9:00-13:00
Assignment 4: Gaussian Processes
Local models, effective degrees of freedom & equivalent kernels
Infinite Gaussian mixture models

Monday 18, 9.00- 9.30: Course introduction

Monday 18, 9.40-12.00: Numerical methods for model fitting

One-dimensional optimisation and line search, Multi-dimensional optimisation, steepest descent, Newton and quasi-Newton, conjugate gradient.

Monday 18, 14.00-15.20: Introduction to Neural Networks

The multi-layer perceptron (MLP), training of MLP, regularisation techniques, parameter selection (pruning).

Monday 18, 15.30-17.00: Generalisation and Regularisation

Well-posed and ill-posed problems, regularisation, example on linear models
Risk minimisation, generalisation, generalisation bounds, generalisation estimators, resampling.

Tuesday 19, 9.00-13.00: Assignment 1: Optimisation and NN (in Matlab)

Comparison of optimisation methods on a simple problem.
Training a neural network.
Experiments on over-fitting.

Tuesday 19, 14.00-15.20: Kernel methods

Kernel density estimation, kernel regression, local smoothing, bandwidth estimation, multivariate regression, variable metric.

Tuesday 19, 15.30-17.00: Introduction to Radial Basis Function networks & Mixture models

Multiple component approaches, Basis function models, Mixture models, Expectation Maximisation (EM)

Wednesday 20, 9.00-13.00: Assignment 2: Kernel and RBF (in Matlab)

Multivariate kernel regression.
Mixture of Gaussians for probability density function estimation.
Mixture of linear models for regression
RBF net for regression.

Wednesday 20, 14.00-15.20: Bayesian inference and MCMC

Wednesday 20, 15.30-17.00: Bayesian training of Neural networks

Thursday 21, 9.00-13.00: Assignment 3: MCMC and NN

Bayesian training of neural networks using Radford Neal's flexible Bayesian modelling software.

Thursday 21, 14.00-15.20: Gaussian Processes

Thursday 21, 15.30-17.00: Bayesian training of Gaussian Processes

Friday 22, 9.00-13.00: Assignment 4: Gaussian Processes (in Matlab)

MAP training of Gaussian Processes.
Bayesian trianing of GP using Radford Neal's fbm software.

Friday 22, 14.00-15.20: Local models, effective degrees of freedom & equivalent kernels

Mixture models where each mixture has a local linear function instead of a constant weight.
Effective degrees of freedom.
Equivalent kernel interpretation of linear-in-the-parameters identification of basis function models.

Friday 22, 15.30-17.00: Infinite Gaussian mixture models

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Last modified October 29, 1998
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